Point Break is a faith-neutral program operated by the staff of Campus Life/Youth for Christ. Campus Life has a rich history of serving adolescents throughout the United States and abroad for more than 70 years. Our purpose in offering the Point Break Workshops is to encourage students as they develop character, confidence and responsibility. Point Break addresses core relational issues that young people face each day on campus. By collaborating with high schools and the local community, we develop healthy learning environments.
Point Break staff actively engage with community service groups such as:
- Law enforcement agencies
- Rotary Clubs
- Elks
- Local Churches, Business and PTA’s
in order to facilitate Point Break with interested high schools.
By recruiting adults who empower students to serve at Point Break workshops, we bridge students with their local communities; giving both adults and students opportunities to forge relationships with each other.
Participating schools find the Point Break staff eager to serve and committed to stay. Point Break is unique in that while the workshop lasts for a just a day, the Point Break staff and community partners remain connected to students and their campus as long as possible; leading students through Point Break Follow-Up curriculum, visiting classes when invited and serving as adult volunteers when asked.
Point Break teams can be found all over the United States. Find a team near you:
- Modesto, CA
Pete Kirchoff
Ken Sylvia - Sacramento, CA
Amber Peta - Stockton, CA
Joel Wurgler - West Palm Beach, FL
Jeannie Hochstettler - Chicago, IL
Todd Lowans - Baltimore, MD
Judy Phillips - Halfmoon, NY
Steve Prettyman - Columbus, OH
Bryan Brookes - Malin, OR
Patrick Hagerty - Silverdale, WA
Phil Daubenspeck