
Compelling sub-copy

Build Your List with a Video Opt-In Page

Use a compelling secondary headline here to call out a key benefit to subscribing to your content

Kick off your video opt-in page with a few words of strong introduction that explains to the reader why your topic — and your take on that topic — are important. Why should your reader care about the topic? And why should they choose you as the person to tell them more about it? [Video Form] Enter your email address below for [quickly describe what they will get on the other side of the opt-in]: [Your opt-in form goes here. You’ll typically get the best response when you ask only for an email address, no other information. Some marketers capture a first name here so they can personalize the email — it’s up to you.]

Sum up the main reason your reader should subscribe to your list in a box that’s formatted to catch their attention.

Optional testimonial

At this point, you may want to include a testimonial. It should support your call to action, either by highlighting a benefit or addressing an objection.

Take your video opt-in page further

Remember that a video opt-in page is actually a mini sales page. You’re “selling” high-quality content in exchange for access to your readers’ email box. The most important element on this page is the promise of what’s on the other side of the opt-in. If you’re using video to attract your prospect, you’ll probably also use video (often a short but valuable series) to “reward” the reader for opting in. The quality of the “before opt-in” video is key. The viewer needs to think, “If the quality is this good before I opt in, imagine how great the videos on the other side must be.” If you really want a page that builds your list quickly, and focuses on the right market for your product or service, check out these Premise Copywriting tutorials:

  • Creating Compelling Headlines
  • Identify the Buyer Connection
  • Benefits, Not Features
  • The Call to Action
  • Risk Reversal
  • Scannability and the Dual Readership Path
  • Putting Together Effective Testimonials
  • What is Split Testing?
  • Overcoming Objections
  • Long vs. Short Copy